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Rhoda Bulter Award 2015

For this year's Rhoda Bulter Award, poets are  invited to submit work in the dialect, based on the theme of 'Joy'.

Poems should be no more than 40 lines in length.

Closing date: 31st August.

Entry forms and more information from [email protected] or ring Mary Blance 01595 694104.

The award, now in its second year, is presented in memory of Rhoda Bulter, one of Shetland’s most important dialect writers. The competition is administered by  Shetland ForWirds, on behalf of the Bulter family who judge the entries. Shetland ForWirds convenor, Mary Blance, is pleased.  “ Wir blyde ta be runnin dis competition ageen an wir hoopin da theme will be an inspiration fir folk, whedder der wint wi usin da dialect in der writin or been winderin whedder dey sood hae a go at it.”

 Rhoda and Dennis Bulter’s daughter Margaret Stevenson says,  "Mam's herty gaff an love o beauty an onything  upliftin med wis think dat we wid lik ta hae 'Joy' as da theme dis year - we hoop fok can be inspired by dis an uplift baith demsels an aabody at reads or hears dir poem.”

The winning poem will be published in the New Shetlander magazine.

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